Sabado, Marso 22, 2008

The Mist

And this movie made me to be afraid of walking on foggy morning. Oh dear, its been a couple of years since my last super-early-morning jogging, i guess fogs will let me remind of the things creepy on this movie.

I never read of Stephen King's Novel but when im done watching the movie, It made me realize of how great the name "Stephen King" was. The movie is great! Of course it was!.

At first you will came on your consciousness on what was exactly happening on town until Private Jessup (Sam Witwer) told that it was a military experiment.
It really made us the feeling of hopeless, emptiness and regret especially on the last part when Mr. Drayton (Thomas Jane) shot his four companies including his son Billy (Nathan Gamble). Really great twist on the last part....

Great movie!...

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